The Merry Widow – The Sorcerer

The Merry Widow


The young and pretty widow (Anna Glavari) of a Pontevedrian banker has been invited to an Embassy party given by the Ambassador and his wife (Beta Zeta and Valencienne). The Ambassador receives and official communicate advising him of his countries impending bankruptcy and an appeal that the widow be persuaded to marry Pontevedrian, thereby ensuring her millions remain in the fatherland. Baron Zeta’s choice of husband for the widow is an attaché, Count Danilo Danilovitsch. Unbeknown to everyone the widow was the girl he hoped would become his wife years before but was forbidden to him since she was only a farmers a daughter.

Count Danila, now self confessed rake, doesn’t wish to marry as he is having too much fun at Maxims and in time honoured fashion wants the widow only when it seems she is willing to marry another. At a party in Anna’s garden, transformed to resemble Maxim’s restaurant, complete with the six girls of the moment, Count Danilo and Anna finally admit their love for each other, thereby saving their country from financial worry.

Production Team

Directors – Robert McDonough & Michelle Eason

Choreographers – Trevor Slee & Annette Emerton

Musical Director – Pat Gleeson

Rehearsal Pianist – Kate Palethorpe

The Cast

Elizabeth Faithfull (Anna), Jim Thomson (Danilo), Robert Neill (Baron Zeta). Alia Naughton (Valencienne), Robert McDonaugh (Camille), Peter Marshall (Njegus), John Boons (St. Brioche). John Baker (Cascada), Alan Shepherd (Kromov), Valery van Doorn (Olga), Fred Waski (Bogdanovitsch), Mark Beasly (Pritsch), Moira Hooker (Sylvia), Susan Dearing (Praskovia), Caryn Williams (Lolo), Anne Kay (Dodo), Barbie Benson (Jou-jou), Sandy Spencer (Frou-frou), Beverly Ivins (Clo-clo), Denise Niblock (Margot), Leanne Deed, Heather Duffy, Lorraine Grant, Judy Kennedy, Eileen King, Carol Love, Valerie Haddon, Roslyn Parker, Trevor Slee, Jim Benson, Keith Gorman, Bernard Maher, Alan Hewson, Tino Ferech, Claude Mahoney, Robert Lashmore, Graham Seaman

The Sorcerer

The Synopsis

The villages of Ploverleigh, agog with excitement over the betrothal of the beautiful Aline, daughter of Lady Sangazure, to the handsome and gallant Alexis, scion of the House of Pointdextre. Having assembled at the Pointdextre mansion to celebrate the occasion, they are almost immediately banished to another part of the garden, while Mrs Partlet, the village busybody, and pew opener, has a heart to heart talk with her daughter Constance. Constance confesses her unrequited love for the elderly vicar, Rev. Dr. Daly, who opportunely arrives at the mansion to join the celebrations. Then Aline arrives at the party really begins, but Alexis, wishing to endow the whole village with a blessing of a love such as his own, employs John Wellington Wells, (a respectable family sorcerer) to supply a love potion which will ensure such a state of affairs. In true Gilbertian fashion, the potion backfires and a merry mix up ensues. But of cause, there is a solution, and heroically John Wellington Wells rises to the occasion and Ploverleigh is restored to its former joy.

The Production Team

Director – Marjory Simpson

Choreographer – Annette Emerton

Musical Director – Kate Palethorpe

Rehearsal Pianist – Pat Gleeson

Assistant Director – Les King

The Cast

Walter Neil (Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre), David Ivins (Alexis), Allan Ingles (Rev. Dr. Daly), Keith Gorman (Notery), David F White (John Wellington Wells), Ashley Grant (Hercules), Lorraine Grant (Lady Sangazure), Susan Dearing (Aline), Joy Bishop (Mrs. Partlet), Beverly Ivins (Constance), Bill Barry, Barbie Benson, Jim Benson, Peter Burgess, Gail Denham, David Dufty, Heather Dufty, Michelle Eason, Valerie Haddon, Moira Hooker, Janelle Ingles, Frank Isaacs, Anne Kay, Janet Kay, Judy Kennedy, Les King, Pat Ledlin, Bernard Maher, Peter Marshall, Ann Miller, Robert Neill, Ingrid Postema, Alan Shepherd, Harry Smith, Kat Sparkes, Ian Thiering, Jim Vandore, Fred Waski, Caryn Williams, Leanne Deed, Marjorie Simpson, Gay Clarke