The Judy Croucher Memorial Award recognises effort, enthusiasm and diligence in learning and performing the movement and choreography of a particular show. It is not always awarded to the best dancer, but rather the performer who has worked the hardest and improved the most - as determined by the choreographer.
Recent Recipients
The Wedding Singer: Elle Zattera
Rent: Kaleigh Wilkie-Smith
The Drowsy Chaperone: Dominic Augimeri
Leap of Faith: Dominic Augimeri
Show Off ?!: Yasemin Tounjel
Annie: Bianca Santucci
Joseph: Ainsley Gardiner & Sophie Carr
Bugsy: Isabella Lee
Godspell: Karen Sinclair
13 - The Musical: Jemma Abdillah
The Addams Family: Sarah Kennaugh
The Little Mermaid: Sarah Vella
42nd Street: Brooke Rose
High School Musical: Lily Ting
Sound of Music: Reuben Hann
Peter Pan: Tyler Thorovsky
Catch Me If You Can: Bek Keen
Seussical: Monet Yamaguchi
Strictly Ballroom: Grant Brennan
The MR is awarded by the director to the cast member they believe has made the biggest contribution to the general life and operation of the show. This is not a performance award, and therefore does not have to be awarded to a leading player. This award has often gone to a newcomer to the society who has show enthusiasm and general positivity to the process.
Maxwell (Max) Stanley Ruddock (2 January 1914 – 31 May 1976) was a New South Wales politician, Assistant Treasurer and Minister of the Crown. He was a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly for 14 years from 3 March 1962 until his resignation on 25 May 1976 for the Liberal Party of Australia
Recent Recipients
The Wedding Singer: Chloe Horne
Rent: Dave Wright
The Drowsy Chaperone: Jonathan Barons
Show Off ?!: Annette Vitetta
Leap of Faith: Elle Zattera
Annie: Sally Brown
Joseph: Suzi Archer
Bugsy: Ryan Morris
Godspell: Bernadette Sinclair
13 - The Musical: Phoebe Atkins
The Addams Family: Claire Watson
The Little Mermaid: Gemma Rolph
42nd Street: Cassie Lloyd
High School Musical: Zac Gale
Sound of Music: Rick Barta
Peter Pan: Olivia Keli
Catch Me If You Can: Andrew McBain
Seussical: Lucy Bull
Strictly Ballroom: Kerrilee Gaskin
The Betty Tougher award recognises the most outstanding performer in a given show, as determined by the production team.
Recent Recipients
The Wedding Singer: Alex Giles
Rent: Dave Bleier
The Drowsy Chaperone: Liz Hogan
Leap of Faith: Dave Bleier
Show Off ?!: Jon Emmett
Annie: Dominic Augimeri, Abbey Thomas & Jasmine Sarkis
Joseph: Jeremy Barons
Bugsy: Ben Costa
Godspell: Jeff Fisher
13 - The Musical: Isadora Gilbert
The Addams Family: Angie Franjesevic
The Little Mermaid: Laura Bunting
42nd Street: Debbie Neilson
High School Musical: Emily Mordini
Sound of Music: Bethany Marfleet
Peter Pan: Bethany Marfleet
Catch Me If You Can: Sam Henderson
Seussical: Reuben Hann
Strictly Ballroom: Gemma Pottie