Apply to be on a Production Team

HillsMTC produce two shows per year, and we invite new and existing members of our family to join us in a production team role.

We are a community theatre company and our aim is to provide opportunities for people to learn about and be involved in all aspects of theatre/stagecraft, including directing, and choreography.

If you are interested in applying for a production team position for our Seasons 1 or 2 of 2026 including any show ideas, please email with your submission.

Currently seeking expressions of interest for the following shows

2025 Season 2 and 2026 Seasons 1 & 2 (including show ideas)

Seeking Show Submissions for Director, Choreographer and Musical Director

We welcome you to send us your application to direct the show. Please find below some guidelines for your reference, to include in your application:

To assist with your submission, here are some points to get your started.

Also, please note that: