The Boyfriend - Me & My Girl

The Boyfriend

The Synopsis

Madame Dubonnet’s finishing school, near Nice, could only exist in musical comedy. The charming young pupils burst into song at the least provocation, and forbidden boy friends are forever popping through the French windows to make up the numbers. Polly Browne is too rich to be allowed a boyfriend. Tony, for whom she falls, turns out to be the Hon. Tony Brockhurst, which is very lucky, because Polly thought he was just a delivery boy. Written in the fifties as “a new musical of the twenties”, this is still the most successful, tuneful and witty of the send-up musicals, which ape the style of earlier, lighter-hearted and more disarming days.

Production Team

Director – Patti Franklin

Choreographer – Nola Verrills

Musical Director – John Eyles

Rehearsal Pianist – Ruth Beattie

The Cast

Betty Tougher (Hortense), Toni Pankhurst (Maisie), Dorothy Hemmons (Dulcie), Merry Smith (Fay), Beverly Jane (Nancy), Tricia Baetge (Polly), Fred Jones (Bobby), Brian Murtagh (Marcel), Allan Ingles (Pierre), Ian Be l (Alphonse), Rie Roberts (Madam Dobonnet), Noel Gazzard (Percival Browne), Robert Chard (Tony), Terry Lyons (Lord Brockhurst), Margaret Meech (Lady Brockhurst), James Devlin, Darryl West, Kathy Katrina Read, Judy Croucher, Dawn Devlin, Lee-Ann Dwyer, Lorraine Grant, Pam Moynahan, Wendy Murray, Lorraine Williams

Me and My girl

The Production Team

Director – Patti Franklin

Choreographer – Nola Verrills

Musical Director – John Eyles

Rehearsal Pianist – Ruth Beattie

The Cast

Noel Gazzard (Lord Jasper Tring), Michael Lubke (Gerald Bolingbroke), Dorothy Hemmons (Lady Battersby), Sue Przydacz (Lady Brighton), Peter Leslie (Lord Battersby), Annette Oliver (Jacqueline Carston), Allan Ingles (Charles), Gordan Saxby (Mr Parchester), Judy Walsh (The Honourable Margaret Aikington), Marjorie Simpson (Maria, The Duchess Of Dene), Warren Patterson (Sir John Tremayne), Fred Jones (Bill Snibson), Nola Verrills (Sally Smith), Chris Kearton, James Devlin, Peter Murphy, Allan Royal, Troy Walsh, Betty Tougher, Elizabeth Baker, Barbara Benson, Judy Croucher, Lee-Ann Dwyer, Lorraine Grant, Chris Kearton, Susan Laplain, Sandra Meyer, Lorraine Williams, Sandra Meyer, Lorraine Williams.